The Musings, Pictures and Battle Reports of 40+ years of Wargaming experience.

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Rebel attack in Bongolesia - One Survivor tells the story!

My gaming buddies and I have been wanting to dig out our Bongolesia forces for some time, last week we decided the time was right.  Shock Force / War Engine from Demon Blade was the rules of choice.  Mike has the Bongolesian Government forces while I have the Rebels.  We kept the force creation kind of stock, I used "The Organization" from the Shock Force book as a basis of my troops, adding just a few tweaks.  I'm not really sure what Mike based his on; they may have been made from scratch.  We decided that we would each create a force, declare how many points we had used then adjust accordingly before game time.

When declaration time came, we both had chosen a force of 27 figures and a tank, but Mike's force was about 600 points more than mine.  No problem, I grabbed 2 more tanks and added a ton of Hero Points to them and my force Commander and we were ready to play....

 Somewhere in the jungles of Bongolesia Government and Rebel forces prepare to clash.....

Rebel forces win the initiative and begin a cautious advance...

Government forces move out.....
 The latest acquisition from a "Friendly Sponsor Nation" makes an appearance.....But the Rebels get the first shot and......


Mike rolled horribly, Kevin not too bad.  I had to get a shot of the opposing dice:

21-14.  Not enough hero points to save it.  First blood Rebels......

 On the Rebel right flank a firefight broke out as the Government  forces attempted to push across the road.  One of the Rebel tanks was hit by anti-tank fire and destroyed...

A Rebel T-72 covers the road allowing fellow troops to move into the building...

Flush with a tank kill, a Rebel tanks moves into Government territory hoping to support the Infantry rushing across the street......

And runs head long into the opposition....

As the tank explodes the Rebels took the opportunity to move to the courtyard hoping to get a line of sight on the Government troops.  At this point all hell broke loose with devastating gunfire and bloody hand to hand combats.....

 Gunfire crisscrossed the streets as Rebels behind the walls traded fire with Soldiers on the roof tops (yes, if you look hard you can see their heads)...

The last remaining Rebel tank tries to attack the Government Soldiers on the Rebel right.  Intense fighting resulting in many Infantry causalities and the tank expending Hero Points (the red chips).  In the end it didn't have enough.....

Back on the left, house to house fight was short but intense.  The Mercenary Advisor was killed, but the Rebels won out....

After a small pause to regroup the remaining Warfighters from both side made one final assault against each other, but in the end, only one man was left standing...
Army of Bongolesia Sergeant Youtubeo

The final causality count: 53 of 54 figures and all 4 vehicles.....

Below is satellite photos of the carnage:

A good time in Bongolesia was had.  Thanks for looking 👴

1 comment:

  1. Awesome AAR! Is the road custom made or commercially available?
