The Musings, Pictures and Battle Reports of 40+ years of Wargaming experience.

Friday, September 15, 2017

Team Yankee - First Contact

     This was the first go at Battlefront's Team Yankee rules with my usual gaming friends.  Since it was our first attempt with the rule set we used only vehicles and helicopters.

     The situation was this:  A small detachment of Americans were protecting the approaches of a German village.  The Soviets were to come tearing tracks down the road  and use speed and firepower to overwhelm the defenders and take their objective.

     The American OOB:     1- M1 Abrams, Co. HQ
                                        2- M1 Abrams, 2nd Plt.
                                        2- M1 Abrams, 3rd Plt.
                                        2- M901 ITVs, Anti-Tank Plt.
                                        2- AH-1 Cobra Gunships, reinforcements 
                           Total    50 points

     The Soviet OOB:           1- T-72, Bn. HQ
                                         3- T-72s, 1st Plt.
                                         3- T-72s, 2nd Plt.
                                         3- T-72s, 3rd Plt.
                                         3- BMP-2, Recon Plt.
                                         2- BMP-2, Recon Plt.   
                            Total    52 points

     So as you can see, this is more of a meeting engagement that a full blown Soviet assault.  


The Soviets advance, the Recon Platoons using their Spearhead ability, the Soviet armor trying to keep pace.  Plt. Leader, Lt. Rutherford looking over his paperwork, "What is this Laser Range thingy for again?"

The Soviet attack has captured the Fuel Station outside town.  Petrol for the tanks, Slim Jim's and Coke for the men.

The Americans move to defend.  The Co. HQ places the vineyard between himself and the attackers.  2nd Platoon positions itself on the left flank.  3rd Platoon moves cautiously through the town to the right.  The AT Platoon takes up positions in some woods.  Gone to Ground and Concealed is the place to be!  Cobras hover somewhere off board......
"Captain, I think I know what the Soviet's are after!"  "Rodger that!"  "Gunner, BMPs, 2 o'clock.  HEAT round."  "Up!"  "Fire!"  "On the way!"

First blood to the Americans.  With the explosion of the AFV the Soviets began to scatter and look for something to shoot at.......

The Americans move to counter the Soviets.  '55' (the Co HQ) moves to cover the road, 3rd Plt. swings between the buildings.....the vibrations putting a good size crack in one......
The Soviet Tank Company on the right discovers the US 2nd Plt.  An amazing shoot out ensued.  For the next 2-3 turns, Kevin and I exchanged rolls of 1's on the dice like we were slap fighting!!  SHOOT!....  MISS!....SHOOT BACK!....BOUNCE!....SHOOT!....BOUNCE!.....SHOOT BACK!....MISS!

On the Soviet left though it was a different story.  The fire from the Abrams and M901s had the enemy AFVs popping like popcorn!
View from the Soviet Bn. Command tank.  "Ugh..too much Vodka last night...."
Since on this flank neither the Americans or the Soviets wanted to hurt each other, the Cobra gunships thought they would get into the fight.......when they got there....
The M901s continued to blast away at the advancing Rooskies!  I told ya, Gone to Ground and Concealed is the place to be!

Unfortunately for the Americans the tide rapidly turned.  First 55 tank got hit twice, the second penetrating......The ITVs abandoned their position.

Then after killing 2 of 3 T-72s in the right flank Company, an Abrams from 2nd Platoon got hit in the flank and was destroyed, causing it's Platoon mate to fall back.......

Leaving a slew of destroyed armor on the battlefield, the swarm of T-72s finally overwhelmed 3rd Platoon.

At this point the American AH-1s finally arrived (really bad reinforcement rolling by Mike).  But all they could do was keep the Soviet forces worried while the survivor of 2nd Platoon and the M-901s withdrew.  The victory went to the Soviets.
     We all had a good time, it was fun to sorta flashback to our former years of playing MBT in 6mm.  We enjoyed the Team Yankee system, I think it is an improvement of the v3 FoW rules.  At least for the casual gamer.

Looking forward to the next encounter and trying v4 Flames of War.......thanks for reading........