The Musings, Pictures and Battle Reports of 40+ years of Wargaming experience.

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Test of Honour - Our Foo Dog is missing!!

We played our first game of Test of Honour (the original Warlord version) a bit ago. I went on a painting spree with Army Painter Speed paints and got the starter set done in record (for me) time. 

Since there was 4 of us playing we played on a 3x3 board.  Kevin and I played Clan Midori, Mike and my brother Danny, Clan Orenji.  We each had a Samurai, a "Sergeant" or Standard Bearer, and two bases of Ashigaru.  Since it was out first game the plan was simple, fight!  That was until my brother exclaimed that we had stolen his Clan's Foo Dog statue and the dishonor had to be avenged.  It was ON!!

A small stream separates the two Clans.  The sleepy, peaceful morning is shattered when it is discovered that the Foo Dog statue that stood by the Orenji Temple (in the foreground) now stood on the wrong side of the stream in front of the Clan Midori house (upper part of the picture near the folding chair)!!

My Samurai gathers together his men, bringing the Clan Standard Bearer for moral support...

Mike does the same, but one of his Ashigaru stands has firearms!

Danny's Samurai and Infantry Sergeant storm the bridge...

Banana flavored Twinkies.  The snack of Samurai everywhere.  They weren't as good as I hoped....

Danny's Infantry Sergeant goes after Kevin's Samurai.  The fight is a draw...

Kevin's Archery Sergeant and Ashigaru move to protect the recently acquired Foo Dog...

The battle is joined!  Musket fire is exchanged!  Kevin's Spearmen move to block the bridge as the duel between his Samurai and Danny's continue...

My Samurai and Mike's square off over a fence...

Danny's Samurai strikes a killing blow and Kevin is killed, his corpse falling off the bridge and over the adjoining hedge.  Kevin's Spearmen recoil at the loss of their Leader!

I score a wound on Mike's Samurai and push him back allowing me to cross over the fence to press my attack...

Mike's Standard Bearer joins in the fight with my Samurai as our Spear armed Ashigaru clash!  One of my Men is killed!

The battle is joined across the board.  My Samurai has been wounded twice!  One of my brother's Ashigaru stands charges across the stream.  I move a stand into the pond to try and cut him off.....

Then it happens...Mike strikes a fatal blow and my wounded Samurai is killed.....

At this point with both the Samurai of the Midori Clan out of the fight we decided to call the game.  A victory for Clan Orenji, they recover the pilfered statue and pass, the Test of Honour...

The system was a lot of fun and we all had a good time.  Except I thought the Banana Twinkies we kinda yucky.  Nothing like the 'Banana Flips' of my youth.....

Thanks for reading!

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