The Musings, Pictures and Battle Reports of 40+ years of Wargaming experience.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

What a Tanker! - France, 1940

It was time.  The German Panzers were painted.  The French armor was painted.  The field of battle was set.  It was time.....

Somewhere in France, May 1940.  The French were to slow the German advance and defend the town crossroads of Le Petite Rutherford.  Assigned to the small defensive group was:
Kevin in a Char B heavy tank and Gary and myself in two R-35 light tanks.

Fording a river on the right of the picture, the German advance was spearheaded by:

Joe in a Pz IVd, Dave in a Pz IIIe and Mike in a Pz38.

Gary advanced up the French right and came into sight of Mike's Pz38.
(and a Diet Coke)...his shot went wild...

Kevin in his Char B trundled up the road and came face to face with Joe's Pz IV.  
He shot and missed ...

Joe returned fire and bounced...but scared Kevin.  He ordered his driver forward, maybe to the safety of the woods...?

Meanwhile Gary in his R-35 danced with Mike's Pz 38.  Dave bogged down with his Pz III.  I on the other hand (in my R-35) advanced upon the bridge and thought I'd spring a little surprise on Joe's Pz IV....

But before I could cry out "Driver, hard left stick!" Mike had tired of playing with Gary and charged over the bridge.  As I crashed through the hedges Hell bent to shoot at Joe I found myself nose to nose with Mike's Pz 38!

"YIPES!" I cried out (but with a bad French accent).  I shot wildly at Mike....and destroyed the top floor of the house in front of me.......😆

With Joe and Mike distracted by me, Kevin's Char B driver punched it (if that's a thing in a Char B) and crashed through the woods and over the river to come face to face with Dave's Pz III...

Dave maneuvered his Pz III with all the skill and grace that a first time WoT player could and he damaged Kevin.  Me, finding retreat the better part of valor backed off the road through the hedges and tried to beat feet (in a R-35?) outta danger.  This gave Mike a chance to rear shot Kevin....which he took and destroyed him....

Joe took the opportunity to chase me down.....which to did.  He plunked at me...and plunked at me...until the inevitable happened...

Gary in his speeding R-35 started coming up the road only to run into Mike (who had just finished painting a kill ring on his Pz 38) coming back over the bridge...

 They exchanged shots and damage.  Mike backed over the bridge to gain a hull down position.  Dave, still maneuvering his Pz III with all the skill of a first time WoT player and was itching for a kill (since Mike had stolen Kevin's Char B) tried to work his way behind Gary.  Gary sensed the trap about to spring pulled off the road and tried to work his way between the woods.  It didn't work...the end of the French tanks came shortly...

Mike was the first the hunt Gary down...

Followed by Dave, er, Darryl...who took over because Dave had to leave...the end of Gary's R-35...

And the end of me...Joe getting his first kill in his first ever miniature game...

We all had a GREAT time playing What a Tanker !!  There were so many great quotes, most of which I couldn't repeat in public, but none of which I took the time to write down.  

If you haven't tried the What a Tanker rules, do so if you get a chance .
Fun times.....

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting this, it really looks good seeing all those early tanks!
